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Freshman Scholarships


UWF提供慷慨的学术奖学金, 包括竞争全额学费的机会, on-campus housing, and meal plans.

Maximize Your Opportunities

To maximize your scholarship opportunities, Complete Your Application with all required items by the Dec. 2023年1月,奖学金优先考虑截止日期 (只适用于2024年夏季/秋季开学的学生). 当UWF收到你的申请时,你的文件就完成了。 Self-reported Student Academic Record (SSAR), and ACT/SAT scores and subscores. 提前发送所有项目,以便UWF有时间接收它们.

一些奖学金需要联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA). 我们强烈建议你完成FAFSA,无论奖学金要求如何, 佛罗里达光明期货或其他学费覆盖资格, and income. 一些学生有资格获得不可偿还的援助,以帮助支付学费以外的费用.

Admissions Academic Merit Scholarship

Total / Annual AwardTest ScoresHigh School GPA
Florida and Alabama Out of State SAT or ACT or CLT (Cumulative Weighted)
$16,000 / ($4,000) $32,000 / ($8,000) 1400+ or 31+ or 101+ 4.00+
$12,000 / ($3,000) $24,000 / ($6,000) 1260-1390 or 27-30 or 89-100 3.80-3.99
$8,000 / ($2,000) $8,000 / ($2,000) 1160-1250 or 24-26 or 79-88 3.50-3.79

*除了SAT总分或ACT综合分数外,还需要某些学科领域的分数. 奖项和要求每年都会有所变化. Eligibility is not a guarantee of an award. Students starting summer or fall only will be considered; scholarship coverage excludes summer terms.

Consideration Deadline: Dec. 1

Admissions Academic Merit Scholarships, also called Academic Excellence, Nautilus, and Argonaut Awards, are based on GPA and test scores. To be considered for this scholarship, 你必须有一份完整的UWF新生申请文件,满足所有要求 admission requirements by the Dec. 2023年1月,奖学金优先考虑截止日期. 这意味着UWF必须收到所需的所有项目 Complete Your Application by Dec. 1. 获奖学生将于12月收到通知.

Admissions Academic Merit Scholarship FAQ

直接费用是指与参加UWF直接相关的费用:学费和强制性费用, on-campus housing, and meal plans. 它们不包括停车证等物品.

Learn more: 

住在校园里的学生将获得全额奖学金,佛罗里达光明未来奖学金将用于他们的学杂费, on-campus housing, and meal plan costs. 佛罗里达光明期货奖学金直接适用于学杂费. 入学优秀奖学金将支付所有剩余的大学费用, specifically on-campus housing and meal plans, up to the value of your award. 如果有任何资金剩余,那么你将获得每学期800美元的教科书津贴.

Yes. 入学优秀奖学金是一项大学奖励,将首先应用于您的直接费用. 任何剩余的余额将由你的私人奖学金/联邦基金支付. 如果你的账单被支付后还有任何奖励, 他们将按照大学的指导方针支付给你. 有关剩余援助发放的更多信息,请联系 Student Accounts.

Full-Ride Scholarships | Value: $50,000+

被邀请参加总统奖学金竞赛的佛罗里达居民学生将竞争佩斯总统奖学金. Recipients are among UWF's Top Scholars. 学生必须提交一份完整的申请文件 Dec. 1, 2023, Scholarship Priority Consideration Deadline to be considered. 邀请函将于12月发给有资格参加比赛的学生.

The Pace Presidential Scholarship, in conjunction with Florida Bright Futures, covers tuition, mandatory fees, a meal plan, on-campus housing, an $800 per-semester book stipend, 以及一次价值不超过1美元的有偿海外研究或学习经历,500. The award will not exceed direct costs. 


National Merit Finalists are named Top Scholars. UWF的国家优秀入围者奖学金获得者将获得全额学费和强制性费用, a meal plan, on-campus housing, an $800 per-semester textbook stipend, 以及一次价值不超过1美元的有偿海外研究或学习经历,500.

National Merit Finalist Scholarship

This full-ride, 竞争性奖学金是为符合佩尔助学金条件的学生提供的, 第一次上大学的佛罗里达居民学生,表现出性格的力量, or “Argo Spirit,” by overcoming obstacles, fighting for something important, or making an impact while in high school. 这可以是领导力、家庭贡献或社区参与的形式.

The application includes a video essay. 高中GPA和标准化考试成绩不被考虑在内. Winners will be awarded full tuition, on-campus housing, a meal plan, and an $800 per-semester book stipend. 

To be considered, students must complete the FAFSA 和Argo精神奖学金申请,并在不迟于 April 1, 2024.


Argo Spirit Application

More Opportunities

Sponsored by Quint and Rishy Studer, the Pensacola Pledge Scholarship 是为佛罗里达州埃斯坎比亚县或圣罗莎县高中毕业的第一次上大学的学生准备的吗. 学生必须完成他们的UWF申请,并申请奖学金 April 1, 2024, to be considered.

Pensacola Pledge Application

Through generous support from alumni, friends, corporations, foundations, and others, UWF能够提供各种基金会奖学金机会. Applications are available through the UWF Scholarship Portal in MyUWF. 在新生入学登记和Argonet帐户升级后,方可访问门户网站. 入学基金会奖学金只提供给夏季/秋季入学的学生, and the application deadline is June 1, 2024.

UWF Scholarship Portal

UWF's awards several military-affiliated scholarships and provides information on other scholarships 适用于现役军人、退伍军人及其家属. MVRC还提供有关军事附属机构的信息 waivers.


Renewal Criteria

有些奖学金是可以续期的,有些是一次性的. Generally, a 3.00 cumulative UWF GPA is required for renewal. 如果有更高的最低标准和/或学时要求, it will be included in the award notification. Renewable UWF scholarships require continuous, full-time enrollment of 12+ credit hours, excluding summer, at UWF with good academic standing. 学生每学年还必须完成至少24个学分. 一旦因学业原因失去奖学金,如果GPA有所提高,奖学金将不会恢复.

所有新生入学奖学金适用于连续八个学期(仅限秋季和春季)或完成本科学位, whichever comes first, 只要维持更新要求.