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如果你是学生或校友, you can either drop-in to see a career coach or schedule a coaching session. It’s recommended that you prepare for your session. 更多信息见下文.


Choose from virtual or in-person options during University hours of operation.

安排约会 with a Career Coach

Schedule appointments for topics involving major 和 career exploration, 协助Argo2Pro, 模拟面试, 薪资谈判, 研究生准备, 实习, 合作社或专业的大头照. Choose from virtual or in-person options during University hours of service.

To request an appointment through 握手, follow these steps:

  1. 使用您的MyUWF凭据登录 握手
  2. 选择“职业中心” 从右上角的菜单
  3. 选择“任命"
  4. 点击“安排新的约会"
  5. 点击“类型”:标准的约会" or "快速约会,根据你需要的帮助
  6. 使用“日历" to identify an available appointment slot that works with your schedule
  7. 显示你的 首选会议方式分享具体的细节或问题 关于你的请求
  8. Select "请求”
  9. Once approved (1-2 business days), an appointment confirmation will be emailed from 握手 
  10. If you select Virtual 握手 as your meeting method, you will access this appointment through 握手

请准时赴约. 看到 政策及指引 for more information about canceling or rescheduling your appointment.


Our career coaches are available for drop-in sessions Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 来回答你的职业相关问题. Drop-in appointment topics include assistance with a resume, 求职信的审阅或创作,  面试技巧, 工作见习信息, 求职策略, 查看LinkedIn个人资料, 志愿服务机会, 在线握手配置文件, assistance with 大面试 or community work study. 

停止了 大楼19 during drop-in hours or follow the instructions below to request a virtual drop-in session.

To request a virtual drop-in appointment, follow these steps:  

  1. 登录你的 UWF谷歌账户
  2. 点击“应用程序” 屏幕顶部的菜单
  3. 选择“聊天” 从菜单中
  4. 直接发消息给“” 请求临时预约
  5. A career coach will respond with instructions for joining your virtual session

Get feedback on your Resume 和 Cover Letter

Submit your resume 和 cover letter online 和 get feedback from a career coach within 3-5 business days.

Tip: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has incredible potential to assist 和 amplify students' efforts to secure jobs 和 实习s, but it also carries risks if not applied carefully. 我们创建了一个 人工智能工具箱 to empower students with knowledge so they can interact with AI systems in an ethical, 安全, 和 beneficial way in support of their career goals. 

Submit your resume 和 cover letter online 和 get feedback from a career coach within 3-5 business days.

  1. 提交你的材料使用 意见征询表格 
  2. 要查看您的反馈,请访问“其他文件” 你的部分 握手 文档页面


Practice your interview skills with your career coach 和 大面试.

To request an appointment through 握手, follow these steps:

  1. 安排约会 in 握手
  2. 电子邮件 你最喜欢的工作描述 还有你最新的薪水 career@uwf.教育和参考资料 模拟面试 在主题行. Your career coach will need these documents at least 24 hours prior to your mock interview appointment 正确准备面试问题
  3. 为成功而着装! Come to your mock interview appointment in professional attire.
  4. 把你的 的简历
  5. 强烈建议: For extra practice, complete a virtual mock interview using 大面试


Helpful (but not required): An up-to-date list of past employment positions 和 associated duties, 校园的参与, 志愿者工作, 军事经验, 等.

是的, 事业重点 to narrow down the fields you might be interested in or best suited for. You can also schedule a Career or Major coaching appointment with one of our career coaches via 握手.


其他资源 使用
我的佛罗里达未来工具 MyFloridaFuture is a free online college 和 career planning tool developed to provide students, 父母, 和 policymakers with a wealth of information to make better-informed decisions about educational options 和 future employment opportunities.
采用佛罗里达 采用佛罗里达 is a free interactive resource that can help you explore 和 identify career opportunities, 热门工作 & 相关学习成果, 必要的技能和证书, 以及获得经验的机会, 它甚至还提供了一个简历生成器.
佛罗里达照耀 评估你的兴趣. 探索职业. 为你的教育制定一个计划. 准备工作. 找到你梦想中的工作.
佛罗里达托 Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) offers a Jobs in Dem和 List as well as a data center that shares employment 和 earning outcomes for degrees or certificates earned at public postsecondary educational institutions, both of which can help guide you through the major 和 career exploration process.
O *网 O *网 在线 is the nation's primary free source of occupational information. 研究工作任务, 平均工资, 和 employment opportunities associated with potential majors 和 career paths.



Our career coaches are here to support 和 encourage you every step of the way along your career journey. Our coaches are happy to assist you with questions, career planning, 和 available resources.

  • Timothy Moore工作人员照片

    副主任, Career Education, Liaison to Usha Kundu, MD College of Health

  • 专业人员照片

    副主任, High Impact Practices 和 Industry Engagement, Liaison to the Hal Marcus College of Science 和 Engineering

  • 布列塔尼Fryska

    Assistant Director, High-Impact Practices 和 Industry Engagement, Liaison to 雇主

  • 专业大头照2024

    Senior Coordinator, Career Education, Liaison to College of Business

  • 麦迪逊Hickman

    Coordinator, Career Education, Liaison to the School of Education

  • 社区CDCE的大头照 & 雇主参与专家亚历克斯·米勒

    Coordinator, High Impact Practices 和 Industry Engagement

  • Photograph of CDCE Coordinator of Career Education, 奥布里谢尔顿

    Coordinator, Career Education, Liaison to College of Arts Social Sciences 和 Humanities

  • CDCE职业同伴Erica的大头照


  • 专业的头像


如有任何疑问,请与我们的办公室联系 or 850.474.2254.